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Jen Yockney MBE


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Jen Yockney is one of the most prominent bi community activists in the UK, having worked on giving bisexual communities support and voice for the past twenty-plus years.

She is active in many levels of community work: frontline support at the UK's oldest bisexual support group; publications and policy-making such as initiating meetings between the bi volunteer / activist community and GEO; and as a mentor actively reaching out to new volunteers to help bi groups and projects around the country blossom.

She tries not to work with organisations that uphold or promote prejudice, such as LG(BT) projects that are consciously or institutionally biphobic or transphobic. But life is full of messy compromises.

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As lead organiser: ran the 2000 International Conference on Bisexuality, on a small team of three people hosting a 5 day conference with 265 attendees from 20 countries. Four years later ran the 2004 UK BiCon, a similar scale of event though with a UK focus.

Organiser or co-organiser of many one-day bi community events and conferences since 2001.

Bi Community News | BiPhoria | Bisexual History Project